Rosa Facial Toner

$ 26.00

200 ml 6 7/8 oz

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Toners are often misunderstood. We tend to think of them as astringents and cleansers. With the Dzialo Skin Care method, it is absolutely not necessary to use any products with a drying side effect, even for the most problematic skin. Imagine your skin under a microscope and visualize the effect of Rosa Toner’s pure, soothing liquid being absorbed. Rosa hydrates the epidermal cells that make up the top layer of your skin. The more hydrated your skin becomes, the less red your skin will appear. 

Rosa is delicately scented with rise-hip and excellent for sensitive and problem skin.  Its beautifully simple formula is non-drying, completely calming, and easily absorbed, creating a soothes tissue that responds to you kindness. Your skin is your second most complicated organ next to your brain. Restorative Rosa sends soothing messages through the nerve endings of your skin. Simple concepts producing a powerful result.

How to start with Dzialo Skin Care

Your new skin care routine.





1435 NW 23rd Ave
Portland, OR 97210